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               2020 PSRC Student Sputum Bowl

                                     The 2020 PSRC Student Sputum Bowl will feature two preliminary rounds to determine the two teams
                                     that will compete in the 2020 Student Sputum Bowl finals.  The dates and locations for the two preliminary                                        rounds and the finals competition are listed below.


                                     Preliminary Round #1 - Western PA Schools - March 6, 2020 - 1:00pm
                                     Location:  A.J. Palumbo Hall of Science and Technology - Carlow University (3333 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA)
                                     Registration Deadline:  February 29, 2020 - To register a team for this competition,

                                     Preliminary Round #2 - Central / Eastern PA Schools - Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - TBA                                                                     Location:  Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA
Registration Deadline:  April 1, 2020 - To register a team for this competition, CLICK HERE!


                                     Finals Competition - Wednesday, April 22, 2019 - TBA                        
Location:  Valley Forge Casino Resort - King of Prussia, PA



The winning team from the finals competition will receive financial assistance for travel and hotel accommodations to represent the PSRC in the 2020 AARC National Sputum Bowl scheduled for November 14-17, 2020 in Orlando, FL!  The team will also receiving free registration to attend the AARC International Congress which hosts the national sputum bowl event.


What IS the "Sputum Bowl"?  

The Sputum Bowl is a knowledge contest that is similar to the game show “Jeopardy.” Since the 1980s, the PSRC had held a Sputum Bowl to crown a state champion team which then went on to participate in the AARC National Sputum Bowl competition held during the annual AARC convention.  Here’s how it works:


 A Sputum Bowl team consists of three people sitting at a table. Close to them is another team of three seated at their own table. Both teams will listen closely when the contest question reader verbally calls out a question that concerns some aspect of respiratory care. The team that buzzes in first has 10 seconds to answer correctly and score a point. At the end of 10 minutes, the team with the most points wins.  It’s not quite this simple, but that's the general idea and it IS fun!


What are you waiting for?  Grab two or three fellow students and register a team today!

Questions?  Send an email to



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