Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

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PSRC "All-In"One Continuing Education Program
Compare the Cost....
Registration for the “All In One” program will be valid for TWO years through 12/31/2022. This includes ALL "live" webinars and recorded lectures for TWO years and totals at least 48 hours of available continuing education. The program pricing options for the program include:
Regular Registration - $300
Discounted AARC Member Registration - $225
To compare the above pricing to what it would cost to attend a single two day live seminar or conference, see the illustration below.
Example Attendance Costs for a Two-Day Live Seminar
Course Registration: $230 (or discounted $180)
Gas / Tolls / Parking: $20 (cost varies by location)
Food / Drink: $20 (likely more based on number of meals)
Hotel Room: $100 (varies by location)
(Note that the above represents the costs to attend ONE event only totaling 14 hours of continuing education and does not take into consideration the need to take off multiple days of work in order to attend the event.)
Total Expenses: $320-$370
Total Continuing Education Hours Earned: 14 hours
Cost per Continuing Education Hour = $23 - $26 per credit hour
PSRC All-In-One Program Total Expenses: $225 - $300
Total Continuing Education Hours Available: 30 hours (up to 48 if you want to attend more!)
Cost per Continuing Education Hour = $7.50 - $10.00 per credit hour
Register Now!
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