Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

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In Memoriam
Bradley A. Leidich MSEd, RRT, FAARC

~Previous PSRC President, Board Member, and PSRC Lifetime Achievement Awardee~
It is with great sadness that the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Society for Respiratory Care share the tragic and untimely news of the passing of one of its great leaders, cherished friend and colleague, and professional mentor, Bradley A. Leidich.
Brad started his illustrious career in respiratory care back to 1969 as a technician at Harrisburg Hospital in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He served in the US Army and then attended the St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Respiratory Therapy receiving a certificate in 1973. He served as a supervisor at Polyclinic and later manager at Lehigh Valley Hospital Center before starting a respiratory therapy program in 1976 at Lehigh County Community College where he stayed until 1989. From 1989 till 2012 he served as the Program Director for the Respiratory Therapist Program and later Department Chair of Allied Health & Human Services at Harrisburg Area Community College. He “retired” from HACC in June of 2012 and was conferred Senior Professor Emeritus.
Brad had a long and celebrated history with the PSRC dating back to the early 1980s where he chaired or served on virtually every PSRC committee, and most notably served as, PSRC Vice President in 1995, President-elect in 1996, President in 1997, and Representative to the AARC House of Delegates from 1999 through 2003. He provided significant leadership and service and in 2017 awarded the highly coveted PSRC Lifetime Achievement Award.
At the time of his passing, he was serving as Commissioner Emeritus for the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care where he provided a significant and lasting contribution since 1989 – serving as CoARC Secretary from 2004-2007; President-Elect from 2013-2015; President from 2015-2017; Immediate Past-President from 2017-2019; and Site Visit Review Committee Chair for 9 years. He earned a well-deserved national reputation for his dedicated service as a Site Visitor and Team Captain. He was the recipient of numerous awards and honors, most notable, the Dr. Ralph Kendall, MD Outstanding Site Visitor Award in 2019 and the Bonner Smith Outstanding Service Award in 2020.
Leadership and service were the words that best defined Brad - it was in his DNA, and he was the consummate professional. Those that were fortunate to know him - whether it be in the classroom instructing students, collaborating on Committees or Task Forces, consulting on accreditation issues, or performing site visits – will speak to his willingness to help and share his knowledge and wisdom. He was deeply committed and dedicated his retirement years to nurturing and mentoring many aspiring RC educators. The profession lost a legend.
The PSRC Board of Directors wishes to extend its sympathy to all the students, graduates, faculty, professional colleagues, friends, and family for the loss of such a valuable contributor to the profession and community. Brad, we will all miss you.
To those of us who knew him well, we say, Farewell, and “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You” to our dear friend.