Pennsylvania Society
For Respiratory Care

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In Memoriam
Annette Horton RRT

AARC and PSRC member, Annette Dark Horton, RRT, a friend and colleague of many, passed away suddenly on November 24, 2012. Annette was the Clinical Manager of the Respiratory Care Department at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia,
where she had been a valued member of the staff for the past 26 years.
Born in North Carolina, Mrs. Horton grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Olney High School. After graduating from the James Martin School of Respiratory Care, she became a respiratory therapist at St. Christopher's where she spent her entire career. Annette enjoyed being active, exercising, dancing, and spending time with her family. She is survived by her mother, Rose Woods; her sons Quentin and Kyle; her daughter, Cheryl Horton-Oaks, and eight grandchildren.
Annette was a very compassionate woman, touching the lives of many children and families during her tenure at SCHC. She loved being a respiratory therapist and she will be dearly missed.